Cuc Phuong National Park (Nov 25)

First half of this post by Michael: Today we woke up right at 7 to start the day as early as possible. We had a nice breakfast at the hotel and the owner rented us his motorbike for the day. The motorbike was a 110cm scooter with automatic transmission - and the engine light on. … Continue reading Cuc Phuong National Park (Nov 25)

Cat Ba day 1 (Nov 22): Cat Ba National Park and exploring the beaches

Today we got up early as there was construction that started at sunrise just outside our window.  We got breakfast at the hotel then headed out to rent a motor scooter.  Unfortunately all of them come with minimal gas in them so you have to pay for the scooter and for gas.  The first one … Continue reading Cat Ba day 1 (Nov 22): Cat Ba National Park and exploring the beaches