Kuala Lumpur Day 2 (Feb 18): Bird park

Today we got up at a reasonable hour so we could get down to the KL Bird Park as soon as it opened in the morning.  The park has hundreds of birds, many native to SE Asia, in huge open aviaries.  It was really cool to see so many of them flying around with all the bright colors.  Peacocks strutted around and pushed out their feathers.  There were parakeets and parrots.  The parakeets wanted to land on our arms and feet, which was fun!  There were many hornbilled birds which are cool because their beaks have a huge extra structure on them to make noise.  They are native to Malaysia and very odd looking!  There were also lots of ibis and large crane-like birds that fished with their mouths hanging open, waiting for a fish to swim through.  So many cool birds!




After the bird park we had to go find an ATM since we used most of our cash getting in as their credit card machine was broken.  We thought there was one a short walk away but it was gone so we had to hike much further than planned in the heat until we found one at a random gas station about 1.5 miles away.  We got a taxi back to the butterfly farm (right across from the bird park!) and wandered through that.  It was much less impressive but still interesting.



We then did a quick wander through the orchid gardens, which were rather disappointing and decided to get a taxi to lunch.  I was craving Indian food so we found a place with great Google reviews and cabbed out there.  We were the only white people there (always a good sign) but we got a lot of odd stares and the service wasn’t very good. We felt awkward the whole time in the restaurant and the food was really terrible.  Like the most bland, awful Indian food either of us has ever eaten.  We had garlic naan, chicken saag, rice and raita. Super disappointed!  We cabbed it back to Max’s house and enjoyed the afternoon relaxing with the dogs. We wanted to get out for a better dinner so we headed out to Jalan Alor, which is an area with lots of bars, restaurants and street food.  When we got there, it was threatening to rain so we walked around the street food area for a few minutes then just as it started to pour we made it back to the covered parts of the street with restaurants.  We picked a place to have some beers and ended up staying since they had pretty decent nachos and quesadillas.  It was a fun evening to cut loose and enjoy a night out with good food!  When we got home Max and Chris were there so we chatted with them for a while.  They are super awesome people and we are bummed we don’t have more time to spend with them!

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