Chiang Mai Day 1 (Jan 20): Wats on wats on wats (and the Thai mall experience)

Today we slept in a bit then headed down for breakfast at our hotel of eggs and mystery sausage.  At least the coffee and eggs were good!  Our plan for the day was to book some activities and then see a few wats (temples) and hopefully do some shopping to get Michael running shoes and shorts.

We headed to the climbing shop first to see about route recommendations and renting a rope.  Then we headed off to the rafting place to get information.  We had gotten recommended to Siam River Adventures and although we looked at some brochures for other companies we liked the look of that one the best so we booked it for the next day!  We then wandered up towards the road towards the cooking school and walked past Wat Pan Ping…our first wat of the day!  We walked in to check it out before moving on.


We made it to the cooking school we were interested in (Thai Farm Cooking School) and booked an all day class.  I was super excited for this since we learned to make 5 different dishes. Michael and I both love Thai food and were excited to learn to make it at home!  We then went to explore options for elephant parks.  We were really concerned with getting something ethical, even if we needed to pay a bit more so we wanted to take our time and do some research.  After elephants, we headed out towards the mall on the edge of the old city, but on the way we stopped at several cool wats!   They all started to blur together and we weren’t the best at cataloging which pictures we took went with which wat, but regardless they were all beautiful!

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WE then headed to our first foreign mall!  It was several floors inside an old brick factory building but had all the typical mall stuff with stores, food area, Starbucks, movie theater, etc.  It also had typical mall pricing (think US prices) but it was worth it to find good running shorts for Michael!  We were starving by the time we got there and there was only western food available so we had a pizza at Pizza Hut to tide us over (Hawaiian pizza wasn’t too shabby!) and did some shopping.  Thankfully they also had nice mall bathrooms since Michael had been suffering from diarrhea all day and had been using gross public bathrooms at the wats.


After the mall we stopped a few more wats before finally making it home!  We had dinner out in the night market but again didn’t have great luck finding good food, although we tried a lot of different new stuff including grilled meat on a stick, pad thai, noodle soup, samosas and a kebab sandwich.

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